A Ford Crown Victoria, (standard issue for most police agencies) and some dude pimped the shit out of this car.
Its not fog its rain
Very lovely looking rock formations. Here again, I have taken the opportunity to pull over and take a piss on a seldom traveled country road. Returning the water to the earth. In this case, down a very steep hill. It was raining this morning but I decided to take this picture anyway.
All Smiles
New Daniella pictures posted.
I am still quite angry about having gone through the financial raping that was the traffic court of the fabricated town of Coopertown, TN. However, I think I will hold off on my rant.
I have a few favorites in these new pics of her. This is one.
Glorious food
Include the city/state and country you’re in.
Nicole (Sydney, Australia)
velverse (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
LB (San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy)
Selba (Jakarta, Indonesia)
Olivia (London, England)
ML (Utah, United States)
Lotus (Toronto, Canada)
tanabata (Saitama, Japan)
Andi (Dallas [ish], Texas, United States)
Lulu (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Chris (Boyne City, Michigan, United States)
AB (Cave Creek, Arizona, United States)
Johnny Yen (Chicago, Illinois, United States)
Bubs (Mt Prospect, Illinois, United States)
Mob (Midland, Texas United States)
Al (Liverpool, England)
Chris (Nashville, Tennessee, United States)
2. List out your top 5 favorite places to eat at your location.
3. Tag 5 other people (preferably from other countries/states) and let them know they’ve been tagged.
2) I dont know if I did this right but anyway, wow 5 places to eat out. There are two really good deli restaurants here in and around Nashville I like to eat one being Phat Bites and the other being Notable Bistro. I am not a big fan of the chain restaurants that are becoming the norm - pretty much anywhere in America now. I like to discover independent restaurants. But on the chain side, I like to eat at Panera Bread and also Bar-B-Cutie sometimes. Hmm I guess that leaves one more. Another massive chain that seem to do ok are Cracker Barrel. They are generally clean and the food is ok. You just have to brush aside the smoke wafting into the non-smoking section from all the rude fucks sitting in the smoking section -as with any restaurant here in Tennessee.
3) holy fuck beans 5 people!? Well I will try my hardest. I have contacted Jason and Isherwood.
Daniella Makes me smile
After the whole ordeal with paying a traffic ticket to enable some fat fucking bastard in Coopertown, TN to stuff pies down his throat, I was feeling down. Then I uploaded these pictures of Daniella and they made me smile. Then I was angry again because I just handed over enough money for 7.59 Boxes of Diapers (88 ct) or the equivalent of 85 half-gallon containers of milk. The equivalent of 75 gallons of Unleaded gas (at today's prices)
That will surely buy a lot of pies. Thats 42.5 Big Mac Meals at Mcdonalds, to make the Fat ass mayor of Coopertown, TN even fatter.
Speed Trap
Link to story
State of Tennessee sues to remove Mayor of Coopertown from office Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Update 07/14/06: Danny J. Crosby was suspended as the Coopertown Mayor pending a November proceeding which will determine whether he should be permanently removed from his office, due to the allegations which the state has made against him. The allegations includes the use racial slurs and ethnic profiling in traffic enforcement.
The State of Tennessee has sued to remove Danny J. Crosby as the Mayor of Coopertown, Tennessee.
Many Clarksville, Tennessee residents have learned the hard way about this sleepy little town of 3,176 residents. The town operates several infamous speed traps on Interstate 24, U.S. 431, and State highway 49. The city’s police budget has nearly tripled, from $155,880 during the last year to $451,550 this fiscal year. The town budget plans on between $400,000 and $800,000 in traffic court revenues, comprising over one third of the city budget. This percentage is much higher than that of many larger U.S. cities.
Mayor Crosby is accused of misusing the city’s power, disgracing the office of the mayor, and multiple violations of the public trust including:
* Running a speed trapCoopertown's finest
* Ordering police to profile out of town residents, Hispanics, and US Military Personnel from Fort Campbell who would be less likely to contest the tickets
* Racism and fostering an atmosphere of racial intolerance
* Violating the civil rights of state residents
* Planting false evidence
* Ordering unlawful arrests of his political enemies
* Violating the state open-meeting laws
* Violating child labor laws
* Threatening and intimidating local citizens
Coopertown is located 25 miles north of Nashville and 20 miles south of Clarksville on Interstate 24 in Robertson County Tennessee. Coopertown encompasses nearly 25 square miles.The City of Coopertown has no property tax. Local services are paid for by funds raised from sales taxes and traffic fines. The city offers 24 hour a day police protection, road maintenance, and building and codes enforcement. Fire service is contracted out to Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department.
In January 2006 the Coopertown PD had 11 full time and one part time officer. They have eight police vehicles assigned to the department. It was also stated that they patrol I-24 4 miles on the east bound lanes, and one mile westbound.
Tennessee State Representatives have acknowledged that speed traps are a serious problem in Tennessee. Legislation has been proposed, which would require that safety be the only reason for reducing speed limits, prohibit towns from annexing land to gain jurisdiction over interstate highways, and ban local law enforcement officers from from policing the interstates. They understand that police speed traps damage the image of Tennessee held by tourists, and annoy commuters.
Dell officially sucks
Of course its Saturday night at 11:30 PM and so tech support and PC support (for work) will not be in until Monday. I of course need the laptop for work purposes before then and whenever they can ship me a replacement.
So I went to the local Radio Shack and bought one of those Juice iGo Power things which -really is a beautiful product. Also simple and easy design. I love the idea of using one power adapter for everything. I took it home excited.

Unwrapped it, this thing looks nice and will undoubtedly perform. It has a lovely blue status light and it also has a protective lining that feels smooth, like a thin veneer. It comes with a wall cord so you can plug it into the wall. It comes with a car cord so you can unplug the wall cord and plug this car cord and bam! you can use it in the car without those pesky power inverters (Love that!) and lastly, if you unplug the car plug it is now a standard airplane plug so you can use it on those long flights to Australia! I am thinking Awesome!

It complies with all the standards of any power supply. Basically a solid product Sure to be a winner. Then I plug it into the laptop and I start my usual Sunday night work.
I remember that my battery was at 89% because it hadn't been long from when I discovered it bad to when I shut my laptop down. I see some BIOS warning to the effect of that it isnt the normal Dell charger yadda yadda yadda. So anyway I notice there is no charge icon on the battery just a "On AC power" and so I look and notice that the battery is not charging.
So I then look at the box it came with and see this (read the fine yellow print under Dell)

The yellow words say "Note: Tip 20 will only power your notebook. It will not charge the battery." Notice that tip 20 is only for Dell computers.
I was infuriated. I started looking online for a hack, a mod I could do to make it charge the battery. There must be some way to shut off that AC power detection. If there is a hack, I have yet to find it. It turns out this is entirely the fault of Dell and not the Juice company. So a big FUCK YOU goes out to the Dell corporation for limiting the use of battery charging to only Dell chargers. The assholes probably rigged it so it would go off just outside of warranty (It is a work PC that was acquired in FEB 2006).
So I just bought the wonderfully working adapter that doesn't work with dells. And it wasn't cheap.

I look at the return policy and it says I can return it within 30 days. The guy in the store sold it to me -probably knowing that it wouldn't charge the battery on my Dell but sold it to me anyway.
They are going to get a big FAT return this week.