My music likes / dislikes
I like all forms of music, I discovered this today while I was driving to my dentist's appointment listening to 91.1 FM. I like all forms rock. I don't like some classic rock, like that stupid ass live concert song that seems to go on and on and on for 10+ minutes, and that stupid ass Bye bye Miss American Pie bullshit. I do like metal, and alternative etc.
Like all forms of rap EXCEPT that stupid shitty dirty south bullshit. I cannot fucking stand that shit. East coast and west coast and midwest rap is fine. But that stupid same old ass high beats and stupid repetitive lyrics are really annoying. You know the type, like the music featured in the film "Hustle and Flow" That shit is stupid as hell.
OK now that I have said my piece regarding rap, I will mildly say that I can't really listen to country either. Never really liked it. I can't help but wanting to puke when I hear a song like "Redneck yacht club" ANd I bet you are probably thinking "well if you don't like it, don't listen to it." Nice but sometimes I am forced to listen to it because of the people in the office listening to it.
More podcasts

Got some new podcasts I listen to now. (not really enough time to do so but I try) I wish I could make one and it really isn't that hard to do so, but I just haven't got the time to do it now.
Search Logs
I came across a very funny funny op/ed about it that I totally agree with enjoy.
In case the link dies I will repost the text here using a quotation (don't freakin' sue me ok? I think your Op/Ed is a bit of gold I won't even include the whole thing here)
Does the name "Natalee Holloway" ring a bell?
If you follow the news media in the United States, particular the 24-hour cable stations, it certainly ought to. On the other hand, if you've been living in a cave for the past month or so, here are the highlights: Natalee Holloway is an 18 year-old girl from Alabama who vanished on May 30th from the island of Aruba, where she was vacationing with some of her classmates to celebrate their high school graduation. Based on the amount of coverage that this story has received from the national media (Fox News in particular), one must draw the conclusion that this is a Very Important Issue, and that all Americans should care very deeply and personally about it.
I must confess that I do not.
Now, before I get called a heartless bastard, let me hasten to point out that I agree that this story is tragic. Natalee's family and friends have doubtless been going through hell during this past month. I do hope that she can be recovered safe and sound, though that possibility seems very remote at this point. If I were the King of the World, I would snap my fingers and instantly transport every missing person back to the safety of their families. But what makes Natalee Holloway more important than, say, Reyna Alvarado-Carerra?
In the United States alone, more than a million people are reported missing each year. The majority of these cases involve minors. The majority of those cases are runaways, but there are also significant numbers of abductions at the hands of both relatives and strangers. This brings us to the case of Reyna Gabriella Alvarado-Carerra.
Have you ever heard of her?
I certainly hadn't until I started doing research for this story. Reyna is a 13 year-old Hispanic girl who is believed to have been abducted by a stranger in Norcross, Georgia. She was abducted just a few weeks before Holloway. A Google search on her name yields a grand total of 6 results.
The same search for "Natalee Holloway" turns up 276,000 results.
But Natalee doesn't just get more Google search results. She's getting airtime, baby. As I mentioned in the intro, American news outlets are awash with a veritable cornucopia of Natalee fever. She also gets assistance from the Dutch Marines and special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who apparently already have enough resources at work battling mundane things like terrorism.
Here's the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back, and the reason I am writing this treatise: CNN is now reporting that Holland is sending three F-16 warplanes to assist in the search for Natalee. I was given pause by thinking about the sheer cost of this endeavor. My brother-in-law is a recruiter for the Air National Guard, and I have a rough idea of how much money it costs to even get one of those things off of the ground. How much do you suppose is being spent to equip these planes with the special search equipment and then actually get them to Aruba?

I have been listening to these podcasts since the Spring, I discovered that I have really been missing out. I used to slag off Adam Curry but his Daily Source Code podcast is really great. His promotion of the Podsafe music network is great also. Cause the Podsafe Music network is nothing short of revolutionary. This is one huge network of people from around the world very grassroots. The anti pop music and anti monopoly and anti industry. Totally up my alley. The podcasts listed here are alphebetical but my favorites are Cool Shite on the tube (meaning to donate to those guys soon) and I have a new favorite, Adam Curry. I listen to them in the car, also while doing my night office cleaning job. I must say that the iPod is the best $300 I ever spent. Well worth it. I always delete the old shows (up on my limit for space).
Just wanted to put the word out to the few people reading this.
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