I took my daughter on a day out today at the Aquarium Restaurant. The photos will be uploaded shortly. Anyway towards the end of the meal I got up to look around to see if I could locate the mens toilets. After one lap around the aquarium, I gave up and went up to where the hostess was standing at the front of the restaurant. I asked her where the mens room was and she told me, and I couldn't help but notice a "gangsta grill" in her "mouf". Can I just stop right here and say, What the fucking fuckkity fuck?! You are a hostess - your job is to smile and greet people in what we believe to be a nice restaurant. Your job is to be the first representative of the restaurant -the first face people see when walking in. What the fuck does that say about yourself when you have some fake ass gold "teef" in your mouth?! Save that shit for the fucking block and leave your personal gangsta accessories at home next time will ya? Holy shit, what the fuck are we coming to here?! Why should you need to prove to everyone who comes in to the restaurant, that you are a gangsta bitch?
After a nice meal though We went into the Stingray petting area and we fed stingrays - an awesome experience.
Will post it to flickr.
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