I started off Tuesday at 0515 - getting ready to leave the house by 0645. The polls opened up at 7 and I wanted to be able to vote and then be on the way to my first job by 8. As expected there was a line. This town if full of early bird morning fucks who get up at 3 am and also enjoy doing so.
The line wasn't too bad though. Once inside, I got behind the marked position for A-B got signed in and then snaked around against the wall awaiting my turn at the machine. It was raining earlier in the morning but had since stopped. Making the air humid but the temp was cool enough where it was at least bearable. The room was very small. So small spaces, in combination with many people -that is -many large and heavy people did not make for the best experience. But I went up and voted. I really thought Harold Ford Jr. would have had a better chance in the outcome than he did. He is a moderate and is more right wing than me, but these people in TN have spoken. They would rather have a rich, white motherfucker in bed with the oil companies be elected, rather than elect a black man -who would have been the first black man elected to the senate in the south since reconstruction. Bob Corker certainly played a dirty game with ties to Big fat pig Karl Rove. and it still didn't matter cause America has spoken. Its funny to look at the numbers of votes for Harold Ford in Davidson County as opposed to Sumner. Harold Ford got something like 70% of the vote in Davidson County.
The weather has turned warm here again. Been listening to Cloneshit's backlog, 01-20, as they just came up on the RSS. Deleted a few that I don't like. Really Enjoy #03, and #07.
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