Willie Nelson must have set up some bio fuel stations. Bravo for him. I don't care too much for his music, but the man is on the right track. I saw this today in Cookeville.
Mt. Seltat
My most viewed photo I wish I could change it slightly and make it lighter.
Oh well. Click on the photo for a background story.
This is the Subaru. This was taken in Petawawa, ON. It can get pretty balls cold here. Pic of the day.
Random picture of the day
Some of the freshest air you will ever breathe.
This was taken in a scenic overlook in Northern Maine off of I-95 NB. If the camera would turn slightly to the left you could see Mt. Katahdin. (45.90406, -68.92199)
I knew this one would be a hit after I stepped in the middle of the road. (clicking on the picture will take you to that photo's page and you can get the full story)
The place was so quiet. The lighting was just right. I like this angle of the sun better than the other angle.
I have been meaning for the past week to blog about my recent Baltimore trip. But I have been too busy lately. But I did however buy a new car yesterday and photos will come when it stops raining.
Internet access again
This week I have had Internet access as seen on my flickr site but I have had little time to use it. Getting back to the hotel late every night has made doing anything but work nearly impossible. On top of that the hotel's wireless connection is not reliable. It has gone out in the last 3 days. I am now using a 802.11g booster. My room sits right on top of the router and the wireless does not work all the time.
I had lots I wanted to blog about as well. From the bullshit pay-wireless in the Nashville airport to the highlights of this trip. I may type this stuff out tomorrow and if the wireless in Baltimore-Washington Airport is free, it will be posted. But who knows.
So I am going to copy this, just in cast the wireless connection dies or has died while I was typing this and publish it. If the wireless connection has gone out again I am going to be extremely pissed off.
I love this one. The focus was perfect (well for me anyway) and the natural light worked out. Plus she had the right facial expression at that very instant.
Don't Leave
Yesterday, Daniella got sad that I had to leave for work and I promised her I would get to spend Saturday (today) with her. Then I get a phone call at 10 this morning, after breakfast and when I was at that point where I was just about to enjoy the Saturday off, (my last full day here in TN for a week). Seems at work they wanted me to hit a job today. I was mostly mad I had to turn down this sad face. Especially after I had promised her I would be with her today. I was pissed off. I know I signed on to this job but my time off should be my time off. As it turns out, after looking at the online schedule, everyone except one guy here in Nashville was working today. I guess I missed that memo. I will be booking some fat ass overtime!
Daniella is now napping.
Bible Belt Nuts
I saw this last week, and I was driving in the area again today and Lo: I see the same billboard but on the Back it says "JESUS SAID BE ASHAMED OF ME AND I WILL BE ASHAMED OF YOU"
I may just continue to document these in your face religious signs. (adding a set to Flickr)
Death and mcdonalds
Dead animals with Mcdonalds and wendys and bud light trash all over. At the Silent Hill Bridge.
يمـــهل و لا يهمــــل
So Saddam was hanged -so quickly. Now waiting for the firestorm in Iraq. This photo was found on Flickr. I can only guess that the men were wearing ski masks cause they wanted their faces not to be revealed.