Well I havent reported that we have moved, (1 OCT) and also I got a new job. The job is ok, not in anyway related to my skills. But anyway its a job and it pays the bills. I work in an auto manufacturing plant not in assembly, but with the Production Control dept. I work as a temp which is annoying cause there is no health coverage. It pays very meagerly as well. But anyway its just something for now.
Halloween came and went and we had about 300 kids coming by in our new neighborhood. I can't believe it. I saw lods of parents driving around in cars etc. It kind of pissed me off cause these people werent even from this neighborhood, but We were going to give out the candy anyway. We were out by 7pm or so. We took Daniella out to family. Drove her to 3 different places. Which is a bit odd in my opinion. My oldest memories of Halloween is of me walking around the neighborhood in which we lived. Its not an odd concept. I mean, why are there about 300 kids
we don't know knocking on
our door? I remember hospitals offering to x ray candy and fruit, cause there was some sick fuck putting razor blades etc in apples. (1982)
Anyway, the weather has finally gotten cooler here and I am glad for it. I hate hearing people around here bitch and moan about how cold it is (40º F) please! Last year they got 1cm of snow here. Whereas in Boston last winter we got about 60 inches. Right now, at 0933 its 71º F! Nice and it will save on the power bill. I love the winters here but I hate the summers.
I don't really have time to update this often. I leave for work at 0730 and don't get home until 1700. Then its evening dinner time, family time etc. Until Daniella goes to sleep. And then I am trying to listen to my podcasts. But I am taking my iPod to work now. Keeping it with me at all times in my pocket. I can listen to it in the office, but not out on the floor. I believe I am all caught up now. Sunday Night Safran is not on now until 2006. Its just Adam Curry cause his a daily show.
Thats about it really.