Tipping may be a city in China, Some have questioned my tipping habits of dining in restaurants. Again without knowing the whole story.
I have only gone once without tipping a waitress. That was 1999. Where this person got the idea that I don't tip regularly I have no idea. May have something to do with judging a book by its cover again.
I always tip at least 15% About 99% of the time I tip 20%. Anyone who knows me knows this to be true. The only time I tip 15% is when the waitstaff are absolutely horrible. I once worked on the other side of the kitchen doors. And I know that waitresses get paid shit. I used to get paid $4 per hour. So I know a great deal about how hard these waitresses work.
Way to judge someone with little evidence again.
Waitress's make $4.00 an hour there? Hell I wouldn't tip them either then, that's almost twice what they get here.
Stop tipping!!!!!!!!
I have no idea what waitresses make up here. I just said when I used to work in the restaurant biz, (1991-2) I made $4 per hour.
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